Sunday, 2 September 2012

Day 2 - London

SUNDAY 2nd September
After an early night last night we got up this morning and headed into the city for the day - we had read the forecast for a sunny without much trust so were not surprised to be met with an overcast London! 
We headed off to join one of the red double decker open top buses for the sightseeing tour - Tasha was disappointed not to see One Direction on the bus... after all their film clip shows them on lots of them!
We had a wonderful time. The commentator we had for most of the trip was so good- gave us lots of facts and lots of laughs.  Sadly he left the bus and was replaced by another tour guide who was nowhere near as good - luckily this was just before we finished our circuit so we didn't have to listen to her for too long.
 We saw so many old buildings and learnt so much history including the spikes in the picture above which surround Buckingham Palace.... well some of us did... Tasha spent most of the trip taking photos of her "new friends".. random people walking along the streets, travelling in cars and riding in buses!
 Then this afternoon we went to Madame Tussauds which we really enjoyed but I wasn't as impressed with the figures as I had expected.  We did make some friends with some famous faces and I have to admit I was surprised at how close you could get to them.
 Tasha was very excited to "meet" Justin Bieber.... although not so happy with how Kyle greeted him  ~L~.
 The highlight for Tony and I was meeting our celebrity crushes.  Tony's being Jessica Alba and mine being my Hughie..... although I was a bit upset he didn't seem that happy to see me :(
 Oh... and we found a police box much to Kyle's delight.... within about 100m of our apartment so Kyle is keeping an eye out for the doctor!
Tally for today:
Steps taken:  7294 (spent most of time on the sightseeing bus)
Random phoros of people taken by Tasha: 238

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