Thursday, 30 August 2012

And we're off!

Okay.... we fly out this afternoon!

People keep asking if we are ready/excited/packed etc.  The short answer - NO!  After working up until yesterday I am nowhere near ready.  But we have the basics organised so we will just have to wing it!  I had about 2 hours sleep last night - keep lying there thinking "what about..." or "have we organised.."  Am looking forward to getting on the plane this afternoon - can sit and relax then  - will be too late to organise anything anyway ~L~

I can't say what I am looking forward to the most - so many amazing things to come!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

2 Weeks to go

After over 12 months of planning all of a sudden it is almost here.  AARRRGGGHHH.  So much to do - so much to organise. 
However there is also so much ready to go.

Passports - check
Travel insurance - check
Airfares - check
Accommodation - check

I am sure the next two weeks will be a mad rush but I am so excited as well.  This trip is an abolute dream come true!